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80th Anniversary Green Lantern Neal Adams Crusty Bunker Exclusive Variant A Cover - Signed

Your Price: $150.00
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Part Number:80thANVGLa
The Neal Adams and Crusty Bunker - 80th Anniversary Green Lantern Neal Adams Crusty Bunker - Variant A .
For the anniversary of Green Lantern, Neal wanted to do something very special. So he arranged with DC Comics to do 2 exclusive Neal Adams 80th anniversary Green Lantern Variants.  This purchase is for Variant A which is limited to 2500 copies. Signed by Neal

You can only buy this Variant here in our store nealadamsstore.com, or in Crusty Bunker (our store in Burbank), or by catching Neal at a convention.
They are Signed by Neal Adams. We can sell you unsigned copies for the same price. Just add a note not to sign them when you order.

If you'd like to have them shipped to CGC or CBCS for you, please see item numbers CGC111 and CBCS111. Please read the description carefully.
If you'd like to add a Remark profile sketch on the cover, see item  number SILVSK.

We also have a special Edition Giclee of this art. Contact [email protected]